About Us

DR. KENNEDY HONGO FOUNDATION Is Non-Partisan, Non-Governmental And Non-Profit Making Organisation, Registered In Kenya, With The Focus On “The Creation Of A More Perfect Tomorrow.” Changing The Narrative, Beholding God/Good. Promoting STARNORMICS and the making of STARNORMS. Stating That: Life Is Simple, We Complicate It.

The Foundation is named after Kennedy Ouma Akello Hongo, HSC.

Dr. Hongo, KNOWLEDGE LEADER, is the late Dr. Geoffrey William Griffin’s Protégée, rising through the ranks at Starehe to become Dr. Griffin’s Personal Assistant and Assistant Director, Starehe Boys’ Centre, School and Institute.

He grew up from a humble beginning , from a broken family, becoming a househelp at a very young age, taking care of the little baby Adhiambo, eating dry bread from Kisumu’s “Kataka ” with leftover Nyayo Milk . He took his Primary School Education through great difficulties but, with the help of his able and ever loving teachers, among them, Mr. Gilbert Ageng’o, Mrs. Odidi, he made it to the famous learning Institution, Starehe Boys Centre, School and Institute, the only School, which for a very long time, was the only place, where needy, orphaned or otherwise disadvantaged, but clever boys, could get first class education and care, for free… With the fatherly love, help and support of Dr. Griffin, Save the Children Fund, UK (whose patron is Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal), among others, fool care of his entire educational needs.

Dr. Kennedy Ouma Akello Hongo, HSC, nicknamed by his peers as McBen, grew up to become… His Working or employment life began as an Administrative Assistant, Old Boys Coordinator, Supernumerary Personal Assistant, Senior Master, Personal Assistant to the Director and Assistant Director ( Starehe Boys’ Centre, School and Institute; Chief Of Staff and Private Secretary to Governor Jack Ranguma, Land Task Force Member and Sub Committee Chair, Kisumu, on Historical Land Injustices, Acting Maseno Town Manager, Private Secretary to Governor Nyong’o responsible for Complaints (County’s Ombudsman), Cabinet Member ( CECM-County Executive Committee Member) responsible for Lands, Physical Planning, Housing, and Urban Development, County Government of Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa.

He pioneered, championed, or founded the following: Starehe Boys’ Centre Local Endowment, currently known as GMET, Starehe Girls’ Centre, Coulson Boys’ Secondary School, Coulson Girls’ Secondary School, Several Gospel Assembly Churches, in Kenya, Griffin Football Club, Seas of Life Mission Kenya, among others.

As Dr. Kennedy Hongo Foundation, we are committed to and is involved in:

  • Speaking To This Generation For A Better Tomorrow
  • Promoting STARNORMICS and Making of the STARNORMS
  • Providing African Solutions To African Challenges (PASTAC)
  • Fighting Ignorance, Poverty and Disease
  • Promoting Social Wellness, Social Protection, Truth, Justice, Fairness, Love, Peace, Unity and Reconciliation
  • Damaging Ignorance, Changing the Narrative, Rebuilding Broken Foundation and Beholding God/Good…..

Through: Enhanced Leadership, Education and Legislation

Our Vision

Speaking to this Generation for a Better Tomorrow , Promoting Starnormics and the Making of Starnorms.

Our Mission

We are committed to the fight against three enemies that Kenya’s Founding Fathers set out to tackle at Independence namely: Ignorance, Poverty and Disease.

We are aiming at Providing African Solutions to African Challenges (PASTAC), through Leadership, Education & Legislation. And Promoting STARNORMICS and the Making of STARNORMS and, the promotion of fairness and justice.

Our Core Values

  • God/Good at the Centre of all things as articulated in Kenya’s National Anthem and Oath Of Office: “Oh God of All Creations, Bless this our Land and Nation,…” and “So Help Me God”; The same is elaborated on by the British in the form of “God Save the Queen”; The Americans have it in their Dollar as “In God We Trust”; and for the Canadians, they say “God Make Canada Great…and Glorious”.
    For Dr Griffin, it was, Put God at the Centre of all you do. And that, if you did not believe in God, just look at Starehe.
  • Excellence: Doing and Giving the best
  • Integrity: trustworthy, reliable and honest
  • Leadership: You are the head. You determine the weather. You are in charge. Serving, Compassionate and Caring.
  • Godliness with Contentment is the Greatest Gain. Both the rich and the poor are looking for more money, more properties. No one seems to have enough of anything. Enough is only in God. The Maker. The Creator.
  • The Greatest of them All is the Servant of them All. Simply put, a mango does not eat a mango, an orange does not eat an orange, the sun does not shine for itself, a pen does not help itself. All these are for others to enjoy. Your own fruits Eg love, mercy, peace etc is for others to enjoy. You do not become a teacher to teach yourself; neither do you become a doctor to treat yourself etc. Whatever you become is for others. We are for others !!!
  • Respect , Dignity and Equity: Personalities are Temporal but People Are Eternal. Individuals come and go. Today we are and tomorrow we are gone. But, people continue to exist even when I am no more. So focus on people-Public good. Here Today Gone Tomorrow. So, what next? What’s your legacy? How do you want to be remembered? Gone with the wind? We are all the same. Only our duties, tasks and responsibilities vary. But all, are Very Important Persons (VIPs), individually or severally
  • Service and Contributions: For this is the essence of life. Every product is made for a reason, to serve a particular purpose. And that purpose pulls a product into being. It determines design and performance. Nothing is made for nothing. Made for serving a course…
  • Equality and Sanctity of all Persons….that all persons regardless of their colour, status, and so on, deserve better treatment at all times…

Thus ‘The Purpose of Life is a life of purpose’. As prescribed by the master, for the master’s use.

Our Belief

OUR BELIEF is that Africa is not the Johnny Come lately on this earth and now is the time that Africa must put her house in order, accept the past mistakes, stop the ‘excusitis’ disease and, do what is right for the sake of right, for a better or more perfect tomorrow.

And that no one owes us a living and we have to mature up today and not tomorrow!

That our knowledgeable and thoughts are the seeds upon which all our actions grow.

That now is the time for Knowers and Thinkers to Rise Up for Africa, and they be Counted.

Africa, Arise and Shine!

Background Information

This foundation is a successor to Griffin Foundation. It is a result of what the late Dr. Geoffrey William Griffin, MGH, MBS, OBE, Founder Director, Starehe Boys’ Centre, School and Institute and, the National Youth Service (NYS), Kenya, taught and told Dr. Hongo to do.

“He called me to his office, upon completion of my A-Level at Starehe Boys’ Centre and said: ‘Kennedy, Learn of me…’ “.

And As Dr. Griffin’s Personal Assistant and Assistant Director, Starehe Boys’ Centre, School and Institute, He asked:

“Kennedy, When am Gone, Will You Let Starehe Die?”

“So, what did I learn of him, from him?”. Herein is my attempt to ‘not let Starehe Die!’

Dr. Geoffrey William Griffin, MGH, MBS, OBE, life, epitomizes, perfectly, that which is GOOD, GODLY, in the link, connection, fellowship, togetherness between all the COLOURED RACES, in this our WORLD.

Therefore, Lessons learnt from Dr. Griffin and the desire to not let Starehe Die, Form the  basis of what DR. KENNEDY HONGO FOUNDATION,  is all about. The Foundation, in deeds and words, would endeavor to Introduce, enhance and to promote the works,  talking points and those lessons learnt,  such as:


  1. The Good/God Factor and Why the National Anthems and the Oath of Office and, God’s Bible, particularly for Public Service and or State Office Holders…The No God/Good Factor , And Life Goes On….Which Way To Go?
  2. That if you did not believe in God or that God Exists, then, Just look at Starehe: The Hidden Lesson On Where God Hides….Mathew 25/22
  3. The Brotherhood (Sisterhood) of all mankind: As Revealed In The Lord’s Lesson On How To Pray
  4. Greatness in Simplicity: The Servant of them All: The Poor, The Movers and Shakers of Our Economy
  5. The Power of a Good Name: And What If Jesus Had Never Been Born: And So, What Is In A Name?
  6. Service and Contribution: The Essence of Life
  7. Community/Volunteerism Service: Cause For Life, One For All and All For One; Part of the Whole
  8. The Value of Public Service/Why Civil Service/State Officers: The Bosses vs The Superbosses, factor; The Unbeknownst Fact: Elections Forming the basis of Promotion, To The Highest Level Possible: Riding on the Power of Unity…Pulling together as one….according to Our means….KRA , URA, TRA etc…
  9. Public Gain is far Superior to individual Benefits: Temporal vs Eternity
  10. Given A Coffee Cup to Wash, wash it Better than it has ever been washed before. That is, whatever task you are assigned to do, give it your very best. That second is Good, but first is best: Upscaling The Griffinness of Starehe
  11. The Value and Power of Stickability, Avoiding The Grasshopper’s Mentality : Gaining Experience and Rising to the Top
  12. The Power of Prayer: Connection With the Maker
  13. The Ps of Life…Purpose, Product, Potential, Passion, Performance, Profit, Plan, Productivity, People, Persistence, Prayer
  14. The Laws of Productivity…God’s Original Plan for Human Beings/Mankind; Genesis 1, In The Beginning: Back To The Beginning!
  15. Life’s Meaning and Why the Purpose of Life is a Life of Purpose: That Purpose Pulls Products Into Existence
  16. Why You Should Dream, But Please Wake Up!
  17. School Mastery and Starehe Boys’ Centre, The First Forty Years
  18. Seven Pillared Education: Knowledge, Skills, Understanding, Practice, Attitude, Attributes, Interpersonal Relationship Skills: Breeding Eagles, The Starehe Way
  19. To Be or Not To Be A Top School: Home Model, Gaol Model….
  20. Financial Austerity and Why A Good Name is Better than All Riches
  21. The Starehe School Song Vis- A – Vi Kenya’s National Anthem
  22. Patriotism and Leaving Behind, this world, Better than We Found it.
  23. Student Leadership-The Starehe Experience..
  24. The African Leader: Re-engineering African Leadership
  25. Politics Demystified and Redefined: The Unbeknown Fact: Promotions, To The Highest Level of Ignorance
  26. Life in the Bread and Life in the Word, So The Master Said! Mark 4
  27. God “In the Least of these ones….” Mathew 25
  28. Starehe the Philosophy, the Estate, the Place of Safety, the Centre, the School and Institute, the Panword, the Swahili Word, the Stars, the Light Centres, The Change Agents, The Change Makers, Catalysts Etc
  29. Human Relations: Our Interconnectedness: The Inevitable Care- Customer Care ( The King)!
  30. Learning How To Learn: Add knowledge as What You Know and Knowing How to get What you want to know…
  31. The Gaol and Home Models of A School…in being one or the other…The Pursuit of A Form of Education That Befits A Free Man
  32. Life’s Meaning and Life’s Drivers
  33. Man, Born of A Woman Is Of Few Days…..What Next?
  34. Forgiveness is Inevitable, No matter what: Dealing With Your Bridge, Your Ladder, Your Destiny (Your Thoughts, Words, Action, Character, Habit, Destiny)
  35. The Value of Compassion and Work of Charity…A Case for Starehe institutions
  36. Leadership (The Leader and The Human Body Factor) and Management ….Caring for the horse first, the Soldier Next, the Officer and Self Last
  37. Moral Rearmament: God and Money, Twin Sisters/Brothers? And Josephian Principles.
  38. Bloated Wage Bill: A Great Asset? A Liability?The Way To Go!
  39. Citizenship and Nationhood: Heavenly, Earthly ?
  40. Life Talks: Career Talks
  41. Beautification: Cleaning, Greening and…Why Cleanliness?
  42. The Case of Hosea 4:6 and Isaiah 33:6
  43. The African Challenges With Ignorance At the Centre
  44. The Seed Power: The Untapped You: Genesis 1:26-28
  45.  Optimum Health (Body/Soul) and Optimum Success (Your Purpose): Doing as per the Manufacturer’s Mind
  46. Value of Unity: National Integration and Cohesion ,; A scattered body, is a dead Body…thou we be many, we are members of one body…
  47. The Greatest Gain: The Pauline Understanding
  48. Politics Demystified and Redefined: A Case of Promoting Individuals, Ignorantly, to their Highest Levels of Ignorance
  49. Child Rearing: From A Wife-less Father Of Many Children, All over the world…Lessons From A Father Without A Wife, YET HAVING MORE CHILDREN THAN ALL…
  50. Our Interconnectedness: The Musketeers Spirit; A Song from My GrandFather…
  51. Quotable Quotes: Dr. Griffin’s Way
  52. Endowments: Effectively Securing Tomorrow, Today!
  53. Savings Plus Investments that makes up the D
  54. Resource Mobilization: Resource Generation, Friends Raising: Counties, Institutions, People Pulling together Into One Pot
  55. Social Well being and Social Protection: The Good I want is similar to the Good You Want; And We being Sons and Daughters of One Father…
  56. Enhancing Leadership, Justice and Fairness: Tackling The Ghost of The Plantation: Sucking Upwards and Piing Downwards, What For?
  57. Community Transformation, Empowerment and Development: CEC, Be Ye Transformed, By the Renewal Of Your Mind…
  58. Fruitfulness: In The Seed Power
  59. Retirement: Why It’s Unacceptable: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow, What Legacy? Yet, Ec 9:5,10, Tells Us the Place where there is No more Work
  60. Unity of Purpose: Pulling Together As One; the Power of Unity As Seen through the Lense of KRA, URA, TRA and others…
  61. Generational Thieves : The Need To Die Empty: Winners Dying As Losers! Really? And Fir How Long?
  62. The Eagle Mentality Vs The Chicken Mentality Vs The Oyundi Mentality: And The Drum Major Instinct.
  63. Governments Performance Map :
  64. Maximizing County Government Revenue Streams : Effective Keys to Maximum Own Source Revenue (OSR) Generation and Collection: Challenges and Proposed Solutions; the Survey Maps, the Surveyors, the Valuers, the Planners , the Engineers’ Role among others…
  65. Art, Culture and Heritage: As the Backbone to Education and Sensible Progress; The Entrepreneurs of Our Time-inventors, creators, content makers, the engineers, the Producers of New Ideas, New Knowledge; the base for new learning…
  66. Common Sense Approach to Nutrition and Optimum Health: A Look At the Largest, Biggest Animal on Earth Today; A Look At The Meat/ Grass Eaters; what lessons from them?
  67. Manners and Etiquette: Griffin, Manners MAKETH MAN….SO….
  68. Discipline: There is no such thing as Discipline Unless it is Self Discipline; Setting up standards that Control your behavior
  69. Learning from the Master: Mentoring and Role Modeling; The Jesus/Dr. Griffin’s Methodology
  70. Networth and Networking: One for all and all for one. I am because of you and you are because of me
  71. Have You Ever Wondered Why, God Is Our Father and He Owns Everything, Yet His Children Are Among The Poorest in the Land, the Book: Its Content; Also A Demonstration on How Your Seed For Success, Can Also Be the Seed For Your Pain, BUT Soldier on and so on
  72. STAREHE the Philosophy, the Place, The Resting Point, The Swahili Word, the Place of Safety, the Point of Connection and Convergence of All COLOURED Races, the Centre, the School and Institute and the Boys School.
  73. Politics Demystified and Redefined
  74. Reestablishment of the World’s Broken Foundation…Ps 81….Aarononic God…Simple Living Made Complicated….A human being is conceived. Born. Grows up. Sleros. Breathes in and out. Talks. Walks. Sleep. Eats. Moves. Runs. Feels. Has emotion..Dies. Sees…looks…laughs…talks… communicate..socializes..etc..Why try to make him immortal…a god…procreates …invents…innovates …etc
  75. Governments Potential and Performance Map….

For a more perfect tomorrow… For A Better Tomorrow…