

The British chose to seek his help and said,

“God save the queen.”

The Australians followed suite and sang!

“God save the queen.”

The Canadians too agreed with them and said,

“God save the queen,make Canada great.”

The Germans were not left behind, they sang about,

“Zion city of our God.”

The Americans went further and inscribed him on their most important commodity, the US Dollar.They placed him on something that everybody values and seeks for.They wrote on it:

“In God we trust.”

In the name of and seek of the help of God, our founding fathers, as Kenyans, made collectively a national prayer.They were persuaded that this God needed a prominent place in our lives and our land.So they said,

“Ooh God of all creation,bless this land and nation.”

The Kenyans did not stop at the national anthem, but rather went ahead to do a loyalty pledge.

In it they reinstated they commitment,

“…my devotion to the word the national anthem…” and those words are,” oh ‘God’ of all creation, bless this land and Nation.

We, Kenyans, in 2010 recognized the supremacy of the constitution and the sovereignty of the people. We the people, chose and wrote in our constitution that all our leadership would be sworn into their respective offices by invoking the following words,

“…so help me God…”

The President, the Deputy President, the Chief Justice, the Governors among many others do swear in the name of and seek the help of God.

The Big Agenda

So my question, the big question.

Who or still, which God is this, that is being sought after by the Nations and our leaders.

My answer is He is the God of the bible, the Father of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. He is the creator and maker of the universe. He is the controller and the one who holds our tomorrow. He is sovereign, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent.

This God we follow his words, teachings and ways, we reap big and greater rewards. Those who have done their ‘Things’ truthfully as per his dictates, have reaped sweet fruits from him.

This God is not far from us, thus the dictum,

“the voice of the people is the voice of God.”

Somewhere, this God of the bible spoke through one of his prophets, Prophet Hosea and said:

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6).

Are we black really hi people?

The answer is yes.

Nevertheless, we his people have taken a walk to the pig house.

We are eating with the swine. We are destroyed by tribalism,ethnicity,ignorance, selfishness, theft,greed, corruption, mis-education, pseudo leadership, godlessness, distorted legislation, corrupted minds, hunger, sickness, mistrust and jealousy.

All these, among many others are destroying us , God’s people, ‘for lack of knowledge.’

It is for this reason, damaging ignorance, among others and that for our own sake and for the sake of our God that we chose to found Dr.Kennedy Hongo Foundation.

This foundation is aimed at driving the Agenda of Mindset Resetting Education (MRE), Starnormics and the making of starnorms.

I do not wish to appear before the bible and he asks:

“Kennedy, you knew that ‘my’ people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, what did you do about it?”

Which knowledge?

We have chosen to start this foundation to heed God’s clarion call, which is upon our shoulders.

We do not wish God to judge us harshly for filing to fulfill our mission here on earth. Share the age old wisdom and knowledge of God.

Africa is off-course, being destroyed, not because of colonization, or any other lame excuse we give.

Africa has been conquered, colonized and being destroyed for lack of knowledge. Besides, it is about to head, heart and book knowledge.

Lord Macaulay on 2nd February 1835, said to the British Parliament.

“I have traveled across length and breath of Africa and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage and therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system.”

For if, the Africans think that all is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self esteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them. A truly dominated nation.

The British learnt from the Egyptian Pharaoh that fetal-slavery chaining the hands, legs and beating people using brutal force, was not as effective as captivating their minds and hearts through knowledge power.

They sowed the seed of our defeat and conquest in the books.

Aristotle once said:

There is a form of education that should be given to our children, not because it is noble and necessary, but because it befits free man.

In our schools are that form of education that befits a bondman. An enslaved individual, a laborer for settlers, not a leader, not a patriot.

God’s Word

Finally God Himself said:

Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times and strength of salvation.

“The fear of the Lord is treasure” (15:33-6)

Wisdom in this case is applied knowledge. Knowing what to do, when to do it, how to do it, why to do it, where to do it and with whom to do it.

It is knowledge with positive action. It is the knowledge and wisdom that would stabilize, strengthen us and save us from all our troubles, challenges and calamities.

We desperately need knowledge and wisdom to change our state as a nation and to overcome all our problems and challenges.

The knowledge power will open for us all doors. It is the key to unlimited possibilities.

The search and pursuit for this knowledge begins with you and me. All of us.

Beginning our new conversation a new Beholding God.

By Dr.Kennnedy Hongo, HSC.

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